Easy moddling of eggs, shading and texturing, implementing tinfoil-wrapping using normalmap, feathers using texturemap.
All rendered in Pixar Renderman
Small tutorial on how to use Renderman Manifold Walk to create nice sharp caustics effects. (fast)
Tutorial on how to render Maya 2020 Bifrost Graph based Aero/combustion volumes using Pixar Renderman 23.5 with the help of OpenVDB cache files.
Maya 2020 – Bifröst Graph ‘Standard Explosion’ example served 4 ways…
Playblasted, and rendered in hardware 2.0, Arnold (default) and Renderman 23.5 using VDB.
Renderman shading has been constructed to sort of match the Arnold look.
Tutorial will follow…
Logo/Intro animation for the cineplex ‘BioCity Metropol’ in Odense, created around 1998/1999
Full project from idea, through modelling, shading, lighting, rendering and node-based compositing.
Using Maya, Mentalray and Toxik/Composite
Tutorial series on how to matchmove a camera in AfterEffects, transfer the resulting camera and feature locators into Maya, using maya livelink.
Reconstructing scene geometry either manually or using a photogrammetry application like Meshroom.
Matching the scene lighting, using lights, and a panorama image.
Rendering using Rendrman.
Compositing using Aftereffects.