Improved UI – New default theme
Improved match scheduling
Backend improvements – preparations for upcoming features like sets, and even more stats.
Improved UI – New default theme
Improved match scheduling
Backend improvements – preparations for upcoming features like sets, and even more stats.
PadelScore version 42!! the meaning of…. 😉
New Look (classic still available)
New themes.
Preparation for sets etc. in place so one of the coming updates will let you use sets in scoring.
When you select PadelScore’s LiveShare you can share a live link, where anoyone with the link can follow the results and standings in real-time.
Sharing stays live until you select Stop Sharing, or exit the tournament (you can re-enable it by selecting LiveShare again (it will use the same address).
Today PadelScore officially launched on GooglePlayStore
This is a work in progress of a Padel score app I’m working on (could be used in tennis/pickleball etc.).
Currently it is only doubles/americano, but I intend to implement more formats, like mexicano, fixed teams, round-robin, singles etc.
It started out as a personal project to get familiar with .Net Maui Community Toolkit Markup (no XAML)
Classic maya v1 tutorial using dynamics to create a dominos effect.
Documentation pdf here:
‘PA’ = PowerAnimator
Series of login images I made for our lab of SGI (Silicon Graphics) Iris machines.
The images were made using Alias Power Animator.
How to create a basic snake game in scratch
Two videos just over 30 minutes total.
The final game: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/494870296
Maya 2020 – Bifröst Graph ‘Standard Explosion’ example served 4 ways…
Playblasted, and rendered in hardware 2.0, Arnold (default) and Renderman 23.5 using VDB.
Renderman shading has been constructed to sort of match the Arnold look.
Tutorial will follow…
Motiongraphic project from 2017 – animation of existing 2016 poster, to launch a competition for the 2017 poster design
Intro to Maya Bifröst Graph
How to convert Bifröst Graph Geometry to Maya Mesh, and render in Renderman
Small example on how to use Bifröst Graph to create raining coins using particle instancing.
Rendering i Arnold
Featured on Wham Bam Teslacam https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbMoDtZ6Ani-eyHzCvxeVCw